Ms. Michal Camejo-Harry

Research Assistant

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About Ms. Michal Camejo-Harry

I am a geoscientist broadly interested in improving the scientific understanding of natural hazards with the aim of reducing the threat faced mainly, but not limited to Small Island developing communities. My PhD research focuses on physical volcanology. I use petrographical and geochemical analyses of rocks erupted from volcanic centres in the Lesser Antilles to track the generation, movement and evolution of magma in the crust and ultimately explain the behaviour of volcanoes. 

Areas of Interest


Country of residence

Trinidad & Tobago

Countries of operation


Camejo-Harry, M, Melekhova, E, Blundy, J, Robertson, R (2019). Evolution in magma storage conditions beneath Kick-'em-Jenny and Kick-'em-Jack submarine volcanoes, Lesser Antilles arc. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 373, 1-22.

Camejo-Harry, M, Melekhova, E, Blundy, J, Attridge, W, Robertson, R, Christopher, T (2018). Magma evolution beneath Bequia, Lesser Antilles, deduced from petrology of lavas and plutonic xenoliths. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 173: 77.

Camejo, M and Robertson, R. Estimating volcanic risk in the Lesser Antilles (2013). SRC Open File Report 2013-1001