About Professor Michelle Mycoo
Areas of Interest
Small Islands climate change vulnerabilityimpact and adaptation scenarios
Impacts of climate change in urban settlements and adaptation to build urban resiliency
TECHNICAL ADVISORY REPORTS (Physical Planning, Disaster Risk Reduction &Climate Change Adaptation) 1. The University of the West Indies, Engineering Institute. (2015). Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. (2015). European Union and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. 261 pages. 2. Managing Adaptation to Coastal Environmental Change (C-Change): Canada and the Caribbean Project. Final Technical Report, (2015). 37 pages. 3. Project Evaluation of Comprehensive Disaster Management Report. (2014). Inter-American Development Bank and Government of Trinidad and Tobago. 65 pages. 4. All-Inclusive Project Development Services Limited (APDSL). (2012). National Spatial Development Plan Phase 1: Situational Analysis. Government of Trinidad and Tobago. 88 pages. 5. Mycoo, M. (2011). Selection Criteria for Pilot Studies, World Bank Report on Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities of Latin America and the Caribbean. World Bank, Washington, D.C. 40 pages. 6. Mycoo, M., Cooper, V., Furlonge, R. (2010). Spatial Development Plan: Chaguanas Borough Corporation, Ministry of Local Government, Trinidad and Tobago. 180 pages. 7. Mycoo, M. and Bajic, M. (2005). Non-Structural Measures for Flood Mitigation in Speightstown, Barbados, United States Agency for International Development and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency. 8. Pantin, D. A., Brown, Dennis, Mycoo, Michelle, Francis-Brown, Suzanne, Gobin, Judith, Hancock, Jim, Rennie, Winston, McDermott, Collette. (2005). Providing Policy Relevant Knowledge for Poverty Eradication - Bridging the Gap, DFID UK, UWI-SEDU, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. 10 pages. 9. Mycoo, M. (2005). Country Report on Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods- St. Lucia: DFID UK, UWI, SEDU, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. 12 pages. 10. Mycoo, M. (2005). Country report on Sustainable Coastal Livelihoods– Grenada. St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago: UWI-SEDU. Annex D of the Final Technical Report for project R8325. DFID UK, UWI-SEDU, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. 11 pages. 11. Mycoo, M. (2005). Physical planning guidelines for community- based tourism in Final Technical Report of DFID project R8325. UWI. St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. 5 pages. 12. Mycoo, M. (2004). Land Use Strategies, Policies and Institutional Framework –St. Lucia. UWI-SEDU, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. 4 pages. 13. Mycoo, M. (2004). Land Use Strategies, Policies and Institutional Framework – Belize. UWI-SEDU, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. 4 pages. 14. Mycoo, M. (2004). Achieving Community-Based Tourism that benefits the Poor in the Land Water Interface in the Caribbean. 5 pages. 15. Mycoo, M. (2004). Physical Planning Guidelines in the Land Water Interface in the Caribbean: Belize and St. Lucia. 10 pages. 16. Contributor to the State of the Environment Report. (2004). Report of the Assessment of the Northern Range of Trinidad: People and the Northern Range. The Environmental Management Authority, sponsored by the Cropper Foundation, The University of the West Indies, The Environmental Management Authority, The Tropical Re-leaf Foundation and The Trust for Sustainable Livelihoods. 189 pages. 17. Pantin, D. Brown, D., Mycoo, M., Gobin, J., Toppin-Allahar, C., Rennie, W., and Hancock, J. (2004). Scientific Report: Feasibility of Alternative, Sustainable Coastal Resource-Based Enhanced Livelihood Strategies. 184 pages. JOURNAL MANUSCRIPTS 1. Mycoo, M.A. (2018). Urban Sustainability in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: An Urban Planning Perspective Using a Case Study of Trinidad. International Development Planning Review 40 (2): 143-174. 2. Mycoo, M.A. (2017). A New Urban Agenda for the Caribbean Post Habitat III. Habitat International 69: 68-77. 3. Mycoo, M.A. (2017). Beyond 1.5°C: Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Strategies for Caribbean Small Island Developing States. Regional Environmental Change. 1-13. 4. Mycoo, M.A. (2017). Achieving SDG 6 water resources sustainability in Caribbean Small-Island Developing States through Improved Water Governance. Natural Resources Forum 42 (1): 54-68. 5. Mycoo, M.A (2016). Reforming Spatial Planning in Anglophone Caribbean Countries. Planning Theory and Practice 18 (1): 89-108. 6. Mycoo, M., C. Griffith-Charles, S. Lalloo. (2016). Land management and environmental change in small-island-developing states: the case of St. Lucia. Regional Environmental Change, 17 (4): 1065-1076. 7. Mycoo, M. (2015). Communicating Climate Change in Rural Coastal Communities, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 7 (1): 58-75. 8. Mycoo, M. (2014). Autonomous household responses and urban governance capacity building for climate change adaptation: Georgetown, Guyana. Urban Climate 9: 134-154. 9. Mycoo, M. (2014). Sustainable Tourism, Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Policies: Barbados. Natural Resources Forum 38 (1): 47-51. 10. Mycoo, M. and Chadwick, A. (2012). Adaptation to Climate Change: The Coastal Zone of Barbados. Maritime Engineering 165 (4): 159-168. 11. Mycoo, M. (2011). Conflicting Objectives of Trinidad’s Water Pricing Policy: A need for Good Water Pricing and Governance. International Journal of Water Resources Development 27 (4): 723-736. 12. Mycoo, M. (2011). Natural Hazard Risk Reduction: Making St. Lucia Safe in an Era of Increased Hurricanes and Associated Events. Natural Hazards Review, American Society of Civil Engineers 12 (1): 37-45. 13. Mycoo, M. (2002). Adopting integrated coastal planning and management: a case study of Trinidad. International Development Planning Review 24 (3): 227-248. BOOKS 1. Mycoo, M. and M.G. Donovan (2017). A Blue Urban Agenda: Adapting to Climate Change in the Coastal Cities of Caribbean and Pacific Small Island Developing States. Inter-American Development Bank, Washington. D.C, USA. 9856 downloads as of June 2018. doi: https://publications.iadb.org/handle/11319/8264. 2. Sarmiento, J.P., M. Mycoo, P. Morgan (2009). Disaster Risk Reduction. University of Wisconsin-Madison Press, USA. 3. Mycoo, M. (2006). Natural Hazard Risk Reduction in the Caribbean. Caribbean Development Bank and the United States Agency for International Development, Bridgetown. 4. Pantin, D., D. Brown, M. Mycoo, J. Gobin, C. Toppin-Allahar. (2004). People and the Coast: Feasibility of Alternative, Sustainable Coastal Resource-Based Enhanced Livelihood Strategies. Sustainable Economic Development Unit, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad. BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Mycoo, M. (2019). Chapter 28: Planning for Climate Change: Sustainable Tourism, Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Policies in Barbados. In: E. M. Hamin Infield, Y. Abunnasr and R. L. Ryan (Eds). A Reader in Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Design for Resilient Cities. Section VI: Introduction to Green Infrastructure for Rising Sea Levels and Coastal Risks. pg. 315-324. Routledge. New York and London. 2. Mycoo, M. (2018). Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Enhancing Resilience in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: A Spatial Planning Framework. 3. Mycoo, M. (2016). Planning Practice in Trinidad and Tobago. In: J. Hyser and T. Franchini (Eds). International Manual of Planning Practice, Vol VI, pg.1-14. International Society of City and Regional Planning, The Hague. 4. Lane, D.E., M. Mercer-Clarke, J.D. Clarke, M. Mycoo and J.F. Gobin (2015). Chapter 9: Managing Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone. In: J. Baztan, O. Chouinard, B. Joregensen, P. Tett, J. Vanderlinden and L. Vasseur (Eds). Coastal Zone Challenges: 21 Solutions for Our Century. pg. 141-157. Elsevier. Amsterdam, Oxford, Washington. 5. Mycoo, M. (2010). Chapter 16: Water Resources Management: Trinidad’s Developmental and Environmental Policy in Action. In: S. Nath, J. Roberts, and Y. N. Madhoo (Eds). Saving Small Island Developing States: Environmental Challenges for Small and Island States. pg. 188-196. Commonwealth Secretariat. London. 6. Mycoo, M. and J.F. Gobin (2010). Sustainable Management in Small Coastal Communities in the Caribbean: Policy Lessons from Case Studies. In: The Shadows of Blue: Upgrading Coastal Resources for the Sustainable development of the Caribbean SIDS. pg. 36-51. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Paris. ISBN 978-92-3-104154-9. 7. Mycoo, M. (2006). Chapter 10: Sustainable Livelihoods in the Peri-Urban Interface: Anse La Raye, St. Lucia. In: McGregor, D. and Thompson, D. (Eds). The Peri-Urban Interface: Approaches to Sustainable Natural and Human Resource Use. pg. 134-148. Earthscan, Sterling VA. (Citation = 10) 8. Mycoo, M. (2006). Chapter 6. Managing Land-Based Space with Particular Reference to Traditional Uses/Poor. In: Dennis Pantin (Ed), Role of Civil Society in Sustainability Processes in the Caribbean. Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston, Jamaica. pg. 60-92.