Dr. Lisa Benjamin


About Dr. Lisa Benjamin

Dr. Lisa Benjamin is an Assistant Professor at Lewis & Clark Law School. She has been involved in the UNFCCC negotiations as a representative of The Bahamas for a number of years, and is a member of the UNFCCC Compliance Committee (Facilitative Branch). Her research centres around climate risk, with a focus on developing countries, including small island developing states.

Areas of Interest

Climate risk
loss and damage
climate-induced migration
disaster risk
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Country of residence

United States

Countries of operation



Please see the IDB report Index of Governance and Public Policy in DRM for The Bahamas (2018): https://publications.iadb.org/en/index-governance-and-public-policy-disa.... Please also see my SSRN page for publications on SIDS and loss and damage: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2157242