Professor John Twigg


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About Professor John Twigg

I have worked in disaster risk reduction and international development for more than 25 years, in the academic, NGO and consultancy sectors. My work crosses the disciplinary boundaries between engineering, architecture, planning, geography, sociology and psychology. I have studied and written on a range of topics including: community resilience and community-based DRR; socio-economic vulnerability; vulnerability and risk assessment methodologies; post-disaster transitions; disability and DRR; community resilience and community-based DRR; vulnerability and risk assessment methodologies; policy and institutional aspects of disaster management; and project planning and evaluation. The application of academic research to improve operational practice is a particular interest and much of my research output has been aimed at guiding practitioners. I have undertaken research/consultancy work for a number of international agencies working on DRR. CDEMA's Community Resilience Framework is derived from the Characteristics of a Disaster-Resilient Community guidance that I developed for international NGOs.

Areas of Interest

Recovery strategies and trajectories
emergent and informal actors in recovery
shelter 'self-recovery'

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Country of residence

United Kingdom

Countries of operation
