Graduate Programme Structure

Graduate Programmes

MPhil/ PhD in Gender and Development Studies

The research programmes are directed at students who are interested in a research-oriented degree, grounded in feminist theorising and activism. MPhil Candidates should have the capacity to engage in independent work required for a research degree (evidenced by suitable referees in the field of research and a proposal detailing a selected field of study) and be capable of developing and completing an original research thesis.

Programme Goals

  1. To demonstrate the relevance of a gender perspective in Caribbean development
  2. To support national gender policies by developing a cadre of well-trained gender and development studies specialists
  3. To build capacity in gender-based analysis, to address issues of gender and development in a globalized world; and in development processes across various sectors.
  4. To promote innovative research and publications in the area of Caribbean feminisms, gender, sexuality and masculinities
  5. To expand the knowledge base from which to draw for academics and researchers.
  6. To strengthen research skills and capacities for using gender as a tool of analysis.
  7. To increase the cadre of gender specialists who can engage in policy formulation and development planning.

Admission Requirements:

Applicants should have a first degree with at least 2nd Class Honours (minimum GPA 3.0) or its equivalent or a postgraduate degree from a recognized tertiary institution. Preference will be given to students who have pursued the undergraduate Major/Minor in Gender and Development Studies and/or the MSc. in Gender and Development Studies.


JMD $275,763 (FT) per year

JMD $137,882 (PT) per year

MPhil/PhD Candidates should:

  1. Have the capacity to engage in independent work required for a research degree (evidenced by suitable referees in the field of research and a proposal detailing a selected field of study)
  2. Be capable of carrying out a rigorous research project

Programme Structure

The MPhil programme is offered as a 3-year full time programme or a 5-year, part-time programme.

The Ph.D. programme is offered as a 5-year full time programme or a 7- year, part-time programme.

Candidates will be required to complete a minimum of 14 credits of coursework

  • 1 core course (4 credits)
  • 2 research methods courses (8 credits)
  • 1 online research ethics graduate course (2 credits)
  • 1 research workshop course (2 credits)
  • Participation in 2 (MPhil) 3 (PhD) research seminars (non-credit)
  • MPhil Thesis (50,000 words) PhD Thesis (80,000 words)

Candidates will be required to present and defend a Thesis Proposal at the end of the first year for those required to complete two research fields.

Candidates enrolled in the MPhil programme may apply for an upgrade to PhD in accordance with the regulations for upgrading approved by the Board of Graduate Studies and Research.

Transition between Programme Levels

(in accordance with UWI Graduate Regulations)


MSc to Diploma: In consultation with their Supervisor and IGDS Graduate Studies Coordinator, students can request to transition to the Postgraduate Diploma while in the MSc Programme – if they cannot complete the research project, internship, or if the research project or internship is unsuccessful. To transition, the candidate would have to complete all the Diploma core and elective requirements.

MPhil/PhD to MSc: In consultation with Supervisor and IGDS Graduate Studies Coordinator, students can request to transition to the MSc while in the MPhil or PhD programme – if they are unable to complete the thesis or if the thesis was unsuccessful. To transition, the candidate must complete all the core courses and electives required for the MSc as well as the research project or internship.

MSc to MPhil: Applicants who have completed the IGDS MSc in Gender and Development Studies and have an excellent record of scholarship may apply to the MPhil programme. If accepted (through the OGSR upon recommendation of the IGDS), they would be required to complete the required research seminar(s), online research ethics course, and the research thesis for the MPhil programme. Supervisors may recommend that students take additional courses across faculties as needed for their research areas. Students may be exempted from course work on a case-by-case basis.

Upgrade from MPhil to PhD: MPhil students may apply to upgrade to the PhD in their second year after successful completion of an upgrade seminar; based on the quality of a substantial paper presented at a seminar of staff and students and assessed by three approved assessors. Applications are approved by the OGSR on the recommendation of the IGDS. Students may be exempted from coursework on a case-by-case basis.

Recommendations for transfer to the PhD will be initiated by the candidate’s Supervisor based on an assessment of the scope, depth and originality of the research in progress. Such recommendation will not normally be made before the beginning of the second year of registration. If the recommendation to transfer is approved by the OGSR, the candidate’s registration for the MPhil will terminate and the PhD registration will be dated from the date of the initial registration of the MPhil.