Departments, Specialised Units and Centres Highlights


Vision Statement

To be One UWI IT team delivering excellent ICT services to enable an agile UWI.

Overall Mission of the Office of the of University CIO

  • Coordinate and mobilise campus ICT teams into a cohesive University Team to Enable University Mission through innovative technology, and
  • Provide secure, reliable, and integrated ICT solutions for Vice Chancellery departments
  • Enable digital transformation across The UWI

Major ICT Achievements 2021–2022

The OUCIO team continued to successfully lead initiatives while providing ICT services to the Vice-Chancellery in the RHQ, there were several achievements as we transitioned to the post-pandemic era. The OUCIO, working closely with Campus CIOs and their teams, completed a number of cross-campus strategic initiatives which were mainly under the Agility and Access pillars of the UWI Strategic Plan. The team continued to exercise greater resilience, flexibility and be more prepared in the re-shaping, re-defining, and re-imagining of our initiatives to achieve the overall missions of the OUCIO and the wider university.

During the period, the OUCIO completed the coordination of campus website redesign working with campus Technical Web teams. The redesigned campus websites were completed, becoming modern, responsive, and more user-focused while appealing to students, researchers and alumni. The OUCIO web team completed the technical redesign of the website and subpages. The excellent work which was done in collaboration with Marketing and Communications led to the UWI being named the gold winner of the global AVA Digital Award.

Another major achievement was coordinating the successful roll out of the Zoom web conferencing platform for teaching and learning across the University, which was done in collaboration with the cross-campus ELearning, CETL and Office of Online Learning teams.

Under the Digital Transformation programme and activities relating to preparation for the Caribbean Development Bank loan, the UCIO presented shared initiatives components to Campus Management teams as part of the engagement exercise lead by the Project Coordinator. The UCIO also participated and presented at a digital transformation workshop.

The leadership of several UWI strategic initiatives turned to the ICT team for solutions such as the Cross-Campus Moodle (CCM) to support the multi-Campus teaching initiative from the Board of Undergraduate Studies. In collaboration with the Cross-Campus Elearning team, we prepared the proposal for the expansion and formal structures required for the CCM solution to support that initiative.

The deep experience of the CIOs in ICT Shared Services Operating Model became a treasure trove of detailed material for the UWI Shared Services initiative led by PVC Board of Undergraduate Studies. Although there has been little progress with the ICT Shared Services initiative as we await the required Human Resource and Finance Framework, the depth of experience that we gained designing this Target Operating Model has served us well in providing sound guidance to leadership.

We achieved a significant set of milestones. Highlights of major achievements by strategic perspective are presented in the Table 1 titled ‘Snapshot of Achievements Office of the University CIO 2021 – 2022’

Table 1: Snapshot of Achievements Office of the University CIO 2021 – 2022
The OUCIO coordinated cross-campus technical web team in redesign of websites which was completed in this period. The project involved the redesign of top-level web pages at the university and campuses to be modern, responsive, and more user-focused while appealing to students, researchers and alumni. This initiative was conducted in collaboration with the cross-campus Marketing and Communications team. The work included the technical redesigning of the website and subpages. The excellent work led to the UWI being named the gold winner of the global AVA Digital Award.

Cookie Policy was drafted for the Data Protection Websites.
Agility AG5
ZOOM roll out for teaching and Learning
The OUCIO Team Coordinated the Zoom Communication for teaching and learning roll out across all campuses. This involved training, addressing integration issues and the negotiations for additional features. The negotiations led to significant savings for the University. Additionally, a 6-month moratorium was acquired for the Zoom License. The administration of the Zoom account, previously managed by the Open Campus, was transferred to the OUCIO.
Access AC3- Teaching and Learning
Table 1 continued
One UWI Email and Microsoft O365 Roll Out
  • Coordinated departmental email nomenclature in collaboration with Marketing and Communications for solution to address duplicated emails.
  • Coordinated deployment of full O365 features Cave Hill, St. Augustine, Open Campus, FIC – Teams, OneDrive, PowerApps
  • Coordinated multifactor authentication – CH and Open Pilot.
  • Address resource constraints – draft document and establish MS Focus Teams Global Management; SharePoint; Security & Compliance; Email.
Agility AG5
Cross-Campus Moodle
There was an increase in demand for the Cross-campus Moodle (CCM) platform to deliver cross-campus courses. Prepared expansion requirements, in collaboration with Elearning team, for the CCM to support multiple campus teaching initiative (BUS)
Access AC3- Teaching and Learning
Upgrade SharePoint server to SharePoint 2019 – used for university meetings and conferences. The upgrade will leverage the new and improved features of the MS SharePoint 2019 platform to foster efficiency and effectiveness of the UWI RHQ on-premise instance of SharePoint. Agility AG5
Table 1 continued
One UWI Business Intelligence – Re-connection and communications between the cross-campus teams. Two group meetings and conducted workshops with campuses to streamline processes and resolve technical issues. Data warehouse delivering more campus level reports and increase data acquisition from the campuses. Agility AG5
Shared Services approach
Coordinated and worked with CIO group on Shared Services initiative for PVC Board of Undergraduate Studies – propose a greenfield approach of consolidated IT environment which would facilitate the shared services transformation initiative
Agility AG5 & AG3
Digital Transformation
CDB loan preparations and presentation of shared initiatives components of the CDB loan to Campus Management teams. Participated and presented at digital transformation workshop
Agility AG5
UWI Security Endpoint Selection Exercise
Project lead in evaluating and procuring latest and most cost-effective Enterprise IT Security Endpoint solution for UWI.
Agility AG5