During academic year 2021/2022, the UOP continued to provide technical and advisory support to the various units within the Vice-Chancellery and the other business units within the University system as they implement strategic and operational initiatives to assist the UWI to fulfil the mission and vision of its “Triple A” Strategic Plan 2017–2022.
To facilitate its work and build team camaraderie, the UOP held six staff meetings over the review period conducted via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These meetings were both operational and developmental.
During the reporting period, Ms. Saveitra Perry assumed the role of Administrative Secretary at UOP’s Mona Office effective November 2021; this position has been vacant since 2018. In addition, Ms. Sharon Hamilton, Project Officer III, was confirmed with the distinction of tenure in the university system at University Appointments Committee in May 2022.
To achieve its goals, the UOP organized its work across four non-mutually exclusive units, namely: Strategic Planning, Business Intelligence/Institutional Research, Economic Engagement/Industry Partnerships and, Business Process Re-engineering/Project Management. These units carried out technical as well as routine administrative work across seven broad portfolios of work. These include but are not limited to;
The various achievements of the work done across these portfolios are listed below.
In the 2021/2022 academic year, the UOP carried out its work to support the three pillars of: Access, Alignment and Agility within the UWI Triple A Plan. The activities across its core portfolios were geared towards achieving the objectives and targets within the plan.
This strategic goal focuses on programmes and initiatives that are geared towards the UWI reaching the underserved community to provide tertiary educational opportunities to them. The UOP’s involvement in this area included but was not limited to:
Some of the major papers and reports that were drafted and presented at various meetings by members of the UOP team over the course of the academic year were:
In May 2021, the UOP convened its inaugural retreat with CPOs and it was agreed that this retreat would be held annually. As such, the UOP hosted its second retreat with CPOs on June 9, 2022, via Zoom. The audience comprised members of UOP’s BI.IR unit and the Strategic Planning and Monitoring Unit; fellow CPOs and other distinguished guests (i.e., the Campus Principal and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Cave Hill Campus; Campus Registrars – St. Augustine and Mona Campuses, and the Deputy Campus Registrar – St. Augustine Campus).
The objectives of the retreat were:
The UOP developed an agreed action plan detailing the strategies required in moving forward.
The alignment goal looks at how the UWI is embracing closer links and collaboration with industry sectors by using its research and innovation to bring practical solutions to remedy problems.
The UOP’s contribution in this area included but was not limited to:
The UOP maintained its production of the UOP Bulletin. The bulletin is based on the STEEP Model (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political) and highlights major developments in the higher education sector that will impact the strategic direction of the UWI. For the reporting period, the unit produced three issues of the Bulletin. These are:
The information from these bulletins are used to assist owners of strategic initiatives to make data driven decisions on the execution of same, taking into consideration the changing dynamics of the environment within which the institution operates.
The Agility goal looks at how the UWI is making its business processes nimbler in order to respond to growth and development opportunities in both its internal and external environments.
To this end, the office engaged in work along the following lines:
On Friday July 15, 2022, the UOP in collaboration with Dr. Dion Greenidge, Key Strategy Officer (Cave Hill Campus) hosted the first in a series of workshops with the Campus Planning Officers from both the Cave Hill and Open Campuses at the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management to further explore the implementation of the new phase of the UWI Triple A Plan.
The UOP also developed a number of critical analytical tools such as: the Electronic Balanced Scorecard System (BSC), the One UWI BI System, the Tuition Price Elasticity of Demand (TPED) Model and, a Student Predictive Retention (SRP) Model to provide decision makers with the relevant tools to assist them in making data driven decisions as they implement initiatives to achieve the targets set out in the Triple A Plan.
To facilitate the development of the new phase of the Triple A Plan, Free and Laughing Incorporated was commissioned to design and facilitate two two-day virtual workshops to ensure maximum participation and involvement in the deliberations for this new phase of the plan. The retreat happened over two cycles, September 28 to 29, 2021 and December 1 and 2, 2021 respectively. The participants at the retreat comprised members of the UWI EMT, Campus Bursars and Registrars, specially invited members from each campus in addition to members of the University Office of Planning.
The following outcomes emanated from Phase 1:
The second phase of the Strategic Planning Retreat was held over the period December 1 and 2, 2021 via Zoom. The following outcomes emanated from Phase 2:
Emanating from these retreats, the UOP planning team then went into the Work Activity Room (WAR) to assemble the various submissions and design a draft plan. The Draft Strategic Plan “The UWI Triple A Strategy 2022–2027: The Revenue Revolution” was developed and tabled at the various university meetings before seeking final approval at the Annual Business Meeting of Council. The draft plan was approved at the Annual Business Meeting of Council on July 29, 2022.
The UOP also engaged in the development of concept papers on a number of areas to drive greater efficiency in The UWI’s operations. These include but are not limited to:
Besides the technical work on major projects, the UOP also engaged in routine activities aimed at enhancing the operational effectiveness of the institution.
These include but are not limited to the coordination and submission of data to the following ranking agency:
For the academic year 2022–2023, the Office will be engaged in a number of activities in rolling out the New Strategic Plan, 2022–2027 while monitoring and evaluating the “Triple A” Strategic Plan, 2017–2022. Specifically, the Office will provide support with policy formulation through research data collection and analyses for the production of concept papers and proposals to support the pillars of Access, Alignment and Agility in the plan.
In addition, the Office will push on with its routine work, which includes but is not limited to:
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