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In order to continually enhance relationships with alumni of The UWI in myriad ways, regional Alumni Relations Programming is based on The UWI’s “Triple A” Strategic Plan.


In 2021 – 2022, graduates were engaged through alumni communications tools such as the UWI Connect Alumni Magazine; the monthly online UWI Nexus; the UWI Alumni Online website and social media, primarily LinkedIn, reaching over 87,000 alumni by this last medium alone. Additionally, alumni voluntarily shared their professional knowledge, life tips and experiences from varied professional sectors as presenters in the Soft and Life Skills Series (SLSS) each month. Additionally, the annual SLSS Conference was again successfully executed by the Young Alumni Advocates – Alumni Ambassadors of the regional UWI Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) Ambassadorial Corps, who as a cadre of young professionals, volunteer to bring increased knowledge to alumni and students on a topical theme.

To increase interaction, the online Global UWI Alumni Hub which encourages graduates to share stories, greetings, and ‘Pelican Pride’ moments, was launched on Global UWI Alumni Day: June 26, 2022. This special day celebrates UWI graduates who, through their professional accomplishments, contribute to the Caribbean region and the world in many spheres and at many levels; and also play a major role in enhancing the University’s reputation. As usual, the Director of Alumni Relations for The UWI and Campus Alumni Officers communicated via WhatsApp groups with the UWI Alumni Association Chapters to ensure direct interactions across time zones, regionally and internationally.


In keeping with the Alumni Relations “One UWI, One Alumni Family” mantra, graduates supported the continued development of the campuses and student scholarships philanthropically through the UWI Alumni Association’s Every Dollar Makes a Difference Programme. This continued to be important in 2021–2022 due to continuing financial challenges which were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The enhancement of the student experience continued with programmes designed to involve alumni as guest speakers, and as professional and academic e-mentors. Alumni also served The UWI as volunteers, recruiters, employers, donors and sponsors.

The alumni population was encouraged to work on priorities relevant to the continued development and the needs of their Alma Mater through the Alumni Relations arm of the Institutional Advancement Division; and The UWI Alumni Association once again represented graduates on University and Campus Governance Committees and the Senate.


Alumni participated in the annual Global Giving Programme and supported the Endowment Funds of the campuses, in order to help students finish their degrees through the provision of scholarships to deserving students from across the Caribbean: as well as through grants for developmental and research projects. Several UWI Alumni Association Chapters also created new initiatives to bring in revenue, such as the Belize Chapter which established a Pelican Saturday Market, held every other month. The first market was held in June 2022 and this event created a space for alumni and Belizean entrepreneurs to showcase their products and services. Vendors contribute a percentage of their profits to the UWI Global Giving Fund.

The regional UWI STAT Ambassadorial Corps continued its annual Carry Yuh Penpal Come Programme which pairs students across the regional university to foster integration, collaboration and cultural understanding. Over 600 students participated from 15 CARICOM states, as well as international students.

A major mandate of The UWI STAT Corps is Climate Action and The UWI STAT Climate Action and Advocacy Network (CCAAN) engages over 750 Caribbean youth to support the SDGs, and to encourage climate action and the climate resiliency of the region.