This project originated in The UWI (UWI SODECO, PI Terrence Forrester) and is designed to restore, monitor and maintain mangroves in south Clarendon where half the 3,500-hectare forest is dead or damaged.
US$24,000 for Jamaica to co-create our funding proposal to assess and mitigate the impact of pollutants in the mangrove food chain from up-stream runoff of pesticides and other residues. 2020–2022
Explores impact of extreme weather events and climate change of early life development and long term health both cardio-metabolic and neurocognitive.
has accomplished the first two major deliverables, namely completion of a data dense baseline survey and report which is now in hand. The second deliverable, using the baseline data which describe the current situation in the mangrove forest, and what accounted for the damage and death to half of it, to develop a restoration plan, is also complete. Next is the implementation of the restoration monitoring ongoing and maintenance beginning January 2023.