Vice-chancellor's Overview


To facilitate the development of the new phase of the Triple A Plan, virtual workshops were conducted in two cycles, September 28 to 29, 2021 and December 1 and 2, 2021 respectively. The participants at the retreat comprised members of the UWI EMT, Campus Bursars and Registrars, specially invited members from each campus in addition to members of the University Office of Planning.

Among the outcomes were

September Retreat:
  • Agreement on the generalised Revenue Revolution objectives, targets.
  • Agreement on the campuses’ contributions to the Revenue Revolution financial target of US$50 million each year.
December Retreat:
  • Final agreement of the ten strategic objectives and the development of fifteen Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Each Campus and Centre’s identification of the top three initiatives to contribute to the main outcome of the Revenue Revolution, i.e., earning net of US$50 million.

The UOP planning team then went into the Work Activity Room (WAR) to assemble the various submissions and design a draft plan. The Draft Strategic Plan “The UWI Triple A Strategy 2022–2027: The Revenue Revolution” was developed and presented at key university meetings, which included meetings of the Committee of Deans, Board of Undergraduate Studies, the Board of Graduate Studies and Research, and the University Finance and General Purposes Committee over the period February 7–11, 2022. The final plan was presented at a special sitting of the Annual Business Meeting of the University Council on July 29, 2022, where it was approved for implementation.