Chaired the Data Protection Policy Implementation Committee
Chaired the Working Group for the Administration of Global Students
Facilitated system wide coordination of online examinations
Hosted meetings of Heads of RHQ Units
Facilitated the re-establishment of the Library
Advisory Committee
Hosted strategic performance management
workshops with the Office of Finance and the Legal
Inaugurated the UWI Futuring Programme
Led the Digital Transformation Programme
Oversaw the re-establishment of the University
Library Advisory Committee
Produced and published biannual editions of the
VIV Newsletter
Human Resources
Hosted end of year staff appreciation activity
Coordinated the process to develop the Differential
Workload Policy and the review of Ordinance 8
Developed and had approved by the UF&GPC a
Travel Policy for The UWI
Facilitated charity outreach programme for the
Alpha Boys
Hosted virtual function for retirees
Hosted virtual staff Mental Health Sessions
Institutionalised the annual the conduct
of a regional Staff Census
Launched a “IGNITE” Mentorship Programme for the
Secretariat Operations
Advanced substantially the Procedural Manual for the Unit
Hosted regional Minute Taking Webinar for administrative professionals
Coordinated finalisation of adopted system wide policy framework
Inaugurated the online repository of statutes, ordinances, regulations and policies
Operated the confidential registry for the Office of the University Visitor
Coordinated the framework for the first Virtual Graduation Ceremonies which were executed in January 2021
Coordinated the first Virtual Presentation Ceremony for the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence
Developed and maintained the Office of Administration’s Website
Developed the Academic Dress Competition which was approved by UF&GPC in June 2021
Guided the Five Islands Campus’ first Special Convocation Ceremony
Secured CARICOM flag for each campus and RHQ
Archives and Museum
Staged one virtual exhibition
Archived a valuable donation from the family
member of a past Prime Minister of Jamaica
Chaired Campus Records Working Group in the
Digital Transformation Programme
Collaborated with WIFAC and Barbados National
Archives in hosting a Lecture to commemorate
International Archives Day
Commenced the digitisation of records
documenting the early history of the University
particularly UCIW records
Completed the Digitisation Project Plan
Coordinated policy and procedure development;
operational planning for the programme; capacity building for staff and leadership in respect of enterprise wide Information Management projects
Developed and had approved by the UARMAC the University Records Retention Policy Framework
Developed and had approved by the UF&GPC the Visual Arts Policy
Expanded archival software to receive and store archives in digital format from all campuses
Maintained public engagement through social media
Revised and had approved by the University Archives & Records Management Committee the UARMP Policy
Facilities Management
Developed Emergency Preparedness and Management Policy for the RHQ
Developed and administered a Performance Evaluation System for the Providers of Janitorial Services at the RHQ
Prepared preliminary draft of the department’s Procedural Manual