Centre Report Highlights

Office of Administration

Dr Maurice Smith

University Registrar

The Office of the University Registrar
  • Chaired the Data Protection Policy Implementation Committee
  • Chaired the Working Group for the Administration of Global Students
  • Facilitated system wide coordination of online examinations
  • Hosted meetings of Heads of RHQ Units
  • Facilitated the re-establishment of the Library Advisory Committee
  • Hosted strategic performance management workshops with the Office of Finance and the Legal Unit
  • Inaugurated the UWI Futuring Programme
  • Led the Digital Transformation Programme
  • Oversaw the re-establishment of the University Library Advisory Committee
  • Produced and published biannual editions of the VIV Newsletter
Human Resources
  • Hosted end of year staff appreciation activity
  • Coordinated the process to develop the Differential Workload Policy and the review of Ordinance 8
  • Developed and had approved by the UF&GPC a Travel Policy for The UWI
  • Facilitated charity outreach programme for the Alpha Boys
  • Hosted virtual function for retirees
  • Hosted virtual staff Mental Health Sessions
  • Institutionalised the annual the conduct of a regional Staff Census
  • Launched a “IGNITE” Mentorship Programme for the Vice-Chancellery
Secretariat Operations
  • Advanced substantially the Procedural Manual for the Unit
  • Hosted regional Minute Taking Webinar for administrative professionals
  • Coordinated finalisation of adopted system wide policy framework
  • Inaugurated the online repository of statutes, ordinances, regulations and policies
  • Operated the confidential registry for the Office of the University Visitor
  • Coordinated the framework for the first Virtual Graduation Ceremonies which were executed in January 2021
  • Coordinated the first Virtual Presentation Ceremony for the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence
  • Developed and maintained the Office of Administration’s Website
  • Developed the Academic Dress Competition which was approved by UF&GPC in June 2021
  • Guided the Five Islands Campus’ first Special Convocation Ceremony
  • Secured CARICOM flag for each campus and RHQ
Archives and Museum
  • Staged one virtual exhibition
  • Archived a valuable donation from the family member of a past Prime Minister of Jamaica
  • Chaired Campus Records Working Group in the Digital Transformation Programme
  • Collaborated with WIFAC and Barbados National Archives in hosting a Lecture to commemorate International Archives Day
  • Commenced the digitisation of records documenting the early history of the University particularly UCIW records
  • Completed the Digitisation Project Plan
  • Coordinated policy and procedure development; operational planning for the programme; capacity building for staff and leadership in respect of enterprise wide Information Management projects
  • Developed and had approved by the UARMAC the University Records Retention Policy Framework
  • Developed and had approved by the UF&GPC the Visual Arts Policy
  • Expanded archival software to receive and store archives in digital format from all campuses
  • Maintained public engagement through social media
  • Revised and had approved by the University Archives & Records Management Committee the UARMP Policy
Facilities Management
  • Developed Emergency Preparedness and Management Policy for the RHQ
  • Developed and administered a Performance Evaluation System for the Providers of Janitorial Services at the RHQ
  • Prepared preliminary draft of the department’s Procedural Manual