Digital transformation

The digital transformation journey focuses on the interconnectedness among people, processes and technology.

As The UWI positions itself as an agile institution, it is re-engineering its business processes to remove bottlenecks and redundancies so that it can respond swiftly to internal exigencies and external opportunities. The technology will be critical to facilitate this change in processes and mind-set. This is the essence of digital transformation the strategic plan envisages. When transformed, The UWI should see improved business processes and increased revenues flowing to the enterprise from the digital space. The measure of whether or not digital transformation has happened will be in the efficiencies gained and the outcomes of revenues generated from that space.

Throughout the period in review, the teams progressed in the DISCOVERY phase, with the work model focused on optimising mission-critical operations across the entire UWI system. It involved the discovery of nomenclature and site locations through data scans and system audits led by Domain Sponsors, Stream Anchors or other focal points leading the programme.