Centre Reports at a Glance

Office of Planning

Professor Densil Williams

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Planning


  • Produced major papers and reports including:
    • Statistical Digest, 2014/2015 to 2018/2019
    • Reports from the 2020 Student/Staff Satisfaction Reports
    • Assessment of Entrepreneurship Programmes and Courses Taught at The UWI, For the Academic Periods 2012–13 and 2016–17
    • Student Entrepreneurial Intention Study, for the academic period 2019–2020
  • Produced three issues of the UOP Bulletin:
    • Trends in Higher Education Vol. 2 Issue 1 – Technology Trends (October 2019)
    • Trends in Higher Education Vol. 2 Issue 2 – Economic Trends (February 2020)
    • Trends in Higher Education Vol. 2 Issue 2 – Environmental Trends and COVID-19 Pandemic (May 2020)


  • Developed proposal for a UW
  • I Holding Company to govern all UWI Subsidiaries
  • Designed concept paper on University Business Spin-offs and Technology Parks
  • Developed concept paper on Corporate Investment Unit
  • Operationalized the Corporate Investment Unit
  • Prepared draft Concept Note for a major conference on the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Future of Caribbean Enterprises


  • Conceptualized and launched the inaugural annual Executive Management Retreat for The UWI Executive Management Team, Campus Bursars and Registrars, along with members of the University Office of Planning, September 2–3, 2019
  • Planned and hosted the second strategic planning retreat held virtually on July 15, 2020 via Zoom
  • Developed concept papers to drive greater efficiency in The UWI's operations:
    • "Streamlining Working Relationship Between the University Office of Planning and Campus Planning Offices"
    • "Towards Metrics-Centred Management at The UWI"
    • "Price Elasticity of Demand Model"
  • Established a system to track and monitor The UWI's cost saving and revenue generation initiatives to rebalance its financial position
  • Developed and launched the "10 in 2" financial model tracking system
  • Engaged in routine activities aimed at enhancing the operational effectiveness of the enterprise, including the co-ordination and submission of data to Times Higher Education World University Rankings

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