Specialised Units and Centres at a Glance

Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit

The Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit (HWFMU), under the direction of Dr. Vernon DaCosta, continues to make strides in improving the four interconnected areas of focus, namely Clinical Services, Training, Research and Outreach. Sustained efforts are being made to accelerate the pace to reach and serve the Diaspora using the digital space.

The activities of the HWFMU are aligned with The UWI's Triple A Strategic Plan to achieve greater access, alignment and agility in advancing sexual and reproductive well-being of the Caribbean and its diasporic population.

An expert and caring team is being fostered by the HWFMU to deliver sexual and reproductive health services in Jamaica and the Caribbean. Service quality and training of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students are being enhanced by ongoing retooling of the clinical infrastructure and advanced training in surgical techniques.


March 10, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in the Caribbean, including Jamaica. The University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) volunteered to become a COVID-19 referral centre. Due to the lack of knowledge of the mode of spread and clinical and pathological spectrum of the SARS-CoV-2 viral infection there was a lot of uncertainty as regards to best practices.

On March 30, 2020, the Unit made the decision to close based on recommendations from the UHWI's COVID-19 task force and the director of the HWFMU. However, as more information became available, and in view of the growing needs of our patients the Unit developed a strategy to provide a phased returned to work. Initially, this was to provide essential contraceptive and urgent assisted conception services.

During the lockdown period, the Unit embarked on upgrading its Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), introduced new SOPs where the need existed and started to implement the ISO 9001 Quality Management System utilizing the Zoom platform.

On August 20, 2020, the HWFMU resumed full service after outfitting its operating theatres (OTs) with special filters to remove the virus. However, as the pandemic entered the community phase and as the health services were inundated with infected cases, the Unit had to return to working from home wherever possible to minimize the risk of staff becoming infected.

All surgical patients were tested for SARS-CoV-2 before been admitted for surgery; all positive patients were quarantined for fourteen days and if they remained asymptomatic they were rescheduled. To date, the staff of the HWFMU has performed exceptionally well and has always put patients first.


Training - Clinical Programme


The COVID pandemic has resulted in major changes to the delivery of services, where the HWFMU has been able to offer both DM and MBBS students the opportunity to learn and participate with clinicians in virtual discussions and videos of minimally invasive surgery and contraceptive techniques. The HWFMU utilized telesurgery capabilities to provide surgical experiences for the medical students and nursing students, while at the same time maintaining adequate social distancing to minimize the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

DM students received real-time and hands-on training and experience in minimally invasive surgery, which is complemented by didactic sessions moderated by clinicians from the HWFMU. They also have opportunities to develop skills in assisted reproductive technology. MBBS students were introduced to minimally invasive surgery and assisted reproductive technology.

Student Achievement

Lance Sterling, UWI Postgraduate Scholarship ($750,000), MPhil Applied Physics. Research Topic: Assessment of the Relationship between Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices and Sperm Quality in Men Seeking Infertility Treatment.

Clinical Services

Three services, namely, family planning, minimally invasive gynaecological surgeries and assisted reproductive technology (ART), are delivered in the Clinical Section of the HWFMU. These services are delivered using state-of-the-art technology and modern surgical techniques.

There were 281 surgical services delivered during the period under review. These procedures include Diagnostic Laparoscopy (6), Diagnostic Hysteroscopy (145), Cervical Cerclage (4), Suction Curettage/D&C (11), Cyst Aspiration (3), Operative Laparoscopy (72), Operative Hysteroscopy (20), Myomectomy (7), Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (4), Ovarian Cyst Aspiration (3), Pipelle Sampling (3), Drainage of Bartholin's Cyst (1), Marsupialization of Bartholin's Cyst (1) and Transurethral Resection of Prostate (1).

There were 1,505 contraceptive services delivered to patients of HWFMU. They were oral contraceptive (163), Depo-Provera Injection (1174), Jadelle/Zarin Sub-dermal Implant (100), Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) (61), Tubal Ligations (6) and Vasectomy (1). Additionally, 194 new patients registered for family planning methods.

There were 917 contraceptive services delivered to out-patients of the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI). These services included Depo-Provera Injections (315), Condoms (580), Jadelle/Zarin Sub-dermal Implants (12) and IUCDs (10).

Training — MSc. Counselling Programme

The two major objectives of the Training Section of the HWFMU in the Faculty of Medical Sciences during the reporting period were related to student matters and curriculum revision as follows:

  • To ensure the throughput of the remaining 11 students in the MSc Counselling Programme whose intake of a new cohort was suspended in 2016.
  • To continue the conversion of the four-year MSc Programme to a two-year online degree programme.

Student Matters


A total of 11 students were enrolled in the programme, all of whom were working on their research project. One student completed the programme, seven have been given extension of time to complete the programme by December 2020, while three students who had returned from leave of absence have been given until May 3, 2020 to complete.

Courses offered

The Research Project COUN6301 was the only course offered during semesters 1 and 2, 2019-2020. Students have completed all other programme courses including the practicum. The students are supported in their research journey.


One student from Belize successfully completed the programme and has been recommended for graduation in October 2020.

Curriculum Revision

The restructuring process necessitates a total revamping of the programme in terms of its structure, duration, mode of delivery and administration. It also included the introduction of a new structure and modality that will position the programme to respond to growing needs more efficiently, with professionally trained counsellors in the Caribbean.

The goals of the revised programme are:

  • To train professional counsellors in the Caribbean region and the global community equipped to provide high quality counselling services to meet evolving psychosocial needs including depression, trauma, violence and rehabilitation.
  • To execute a programme that facilitates a broad educational experience which enables graduates to work in diverse fields, specialize if desired and to be eligible for licensure by established professional bodies.
  • To deliver an innovative educational product that is agile, easily accessible and, supportive of The UWI's strategic mandate to revitalize regional development with increasing ICT use.

Current Status of the Review Process

A draft curriculum proposal has been developed in accordance with The UWI's template for new and revised graduate level programmes. The document presents revised courses, new courses, suggested arrangements for practicum and research, proposed pedagogy and identified educational resource.

The document has been circulated to key stakeholders whose feedback has resulted in recommended document updates.

Special guidance in relation to online delivery is being provided by the Office of Online Learning as well as the Academic Programming division of the Open Campus.

A soft-marketing survey was conducted in the Caribbean to determine the need for the programme to which 39 prospective applicants responded. A special meeting was held with the prospective applicants to update them on the status of the programme revision.

The working group had a special consultation with international professor of Counselling, Dr. Samuel Gladding, who gave invaluable contributions regarding finalizing the programme for regional as well as international delivery.

The projected time for the start of the revised programme is academic year 2021–2022.

Resource Personnel

The Training Section has been under the leadership of Programme Officer Miss Elaine Jackson since the Training Coordinator retired in 2018. Special support has come from the members of the Curriculum Working Group and other professionals as well as interim engagement of staff at the HWFMU. Additional in-house administrative support is being provided by part-time employee, Miss Sonelia.


Major Conferences

DaCosta, Vernon. Surrogacy, Ethics and the Law, a two-day Workshop. The creation of a legal framework, “Assisted Reproductive Technology in Jamaica”, DaCosta V., September 12–13, 2019, Regional Headquarters, UWI, Mona, Jamaica.

DaCosta, Vernon. American Society for Reproductive Medicine Scientific Congress and Expo, Celebrating 75 years of History and Innovation, October 12–16, 2019, Philadelphia, USA.

DaCosta, Vernon. Updates in Infertility Treatment (UIT), January 2020, Seville, Spain.

DaCosta, Vernon. Annual Perinatal Conference, University Hospital of the West Indies, February 2020.

DaCosta, Vernon. Working with the Population and Health Unit, Planning Institute of Jamaica in Developing the National Population and Sustainable Development Policy for 2030.

Bailey, Michelle. The 35th Annual Meeting, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Vienna —Austria, June 23–26, 2019.

Bailey, Michelle. A facilitator at the Surrogacy, Ethics and the Law, a two-day Workshop. Toward the creation of a legal framework, “Assisted Reproductive Technology in Jamaica.” September 12–13, 2019, Regional Headquarters, UWI, Mona, Jamaica.

Bailey, Michelle. American Society for Reproductive Medicine Scientific Congress and Expo, Celebrating 75 years of History and Innovation, October 12–16, 2019, Philadelphia, USA.

Bailey, Michelle. Updates in Infertility Treatment (UIT), January 2020, Seville, Spain.

Bailey, Michelle. Annual Perinatal Conference, University Hospital of the West Indies, February 2020.

Godfrey, Melrose. American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Conference October 12–16, 2019, Philadelphia, USA.

Frederick, Sharifa. ASRM conference in Philadelphia regarding updates in the management of patients in an ART Unit, October 12–16, 2019, Philadelphia, USA.

Black, Deon. VidCon London 2020 February 20–23, 2020, Royal Victoria Dock, London, England.

Walters, Yvonne. Faculty of Medical Sciences, Annual Research Conference and Workshop Kingston, Jamaica. November 2019.

Walters, Yvonne. American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Pre-Congress Programme and Scientific Congress, October 12–16, 2019, USA.

Walters, Yvonne. Surrogacy Workshop. Surrogacy, Ethics and the Law September 12–13, 2019, Jamaica.

Public Services - Departmental Level

Surrogacy Workshop

The two-day workshop “Surrogacy Ethics and the Law” was held September 12–13, 2019 to explore the legal and ethical issues relating to the practice of surrogacy in Jamaica and the Caribbean. The workshop engaged policy and law makers; lawyers and medical practitioners; law enforcers and associations responsible for women and child rights across Jamaica for the development of a comprehensive policy and legislative framework on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) including Surrogacy.

The UWI TV Interview

One of a series of interviews was conducted with a few of the senior members of staff on the works and services of the Unit on March 3, 2020 in an effort to promote the Unit and educate the population.

The UWISON Visit

On February 11, 2020, some members of the HWFMU team facilitated the five MSc Nursing Administrative students from the UWI School of Nursing, Mona (UWISON) in conducting their research projects.

Endometriosis Month 2020

The HWFMU Consultant, Dr. Loxley Christie, participated at an Endo What? panel discussion on Endometriosis and its impact on Fertility, at JAMPRO on March 5, 2019. In addition, the other HWFMU Consultants participated in several radio interviews during the commemoration of Endometriosis Awareness Month."

Public Services - Individual Level

Dr. Vernon DaCosta

  • Surrogacy Ethics and the Law, a two-day Workshop. Toward the creation of a legal framework, “Assisted Reproductive Technology in Jamaica” DaCosta V. September 12-13, 2019, Regional Headquarters, UWI, Mona, Jamaica. Lawyers, members from the MOHW, religious groups, doctors and the public were all invited to the workshop to create greater activism and public advocacy for the rights of all Jamaicans to have comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare.
  • A member of “Personal Community and Empowerment Builder” (PCEB)—a local non-profit organization—current project involves assisting Ebenezer Basic School.
  • Educating the public on fertility preservation and surrogacy in Jamaica via TVJ's Morning Time and CVM

Dr. Michelle Bailey

  • Director of Personal Community and Empowerment Builder (PCEB)—a local non-profit organization—current project involves assisting Ebenezer Basic School
  • Tuition fees paid for ten students to attend school
  • Member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG)
  • Member of the American Association of Gynaecological Laparoscopist (AAGL)
  • Member of the American Association of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
  • Member of the World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons (WALS)
  • Member of the European Society of Human Reproductive Embryologists (ESHRE)
  • Member of the Caribbean Association of Gynaecologic Endoscopic Surgeons (CAGES)



The Assistant Director and the Statistical Assistant/Cashier retired. Mrs. Sharon McLeod had been appointed Statistical Assistant/Cashier.

Assisted Conception Services

The unit itemized the cost of various services in the IVF laboratory to improve income generation:

  • Blastocyst culture: we have now added a cost to the extended culture of embryos to the blastocyst stage.
  • Assisted hatching: we have added a cost for those requesting assisted hatching of their embryos.
  • Gamete/Embryo importation and exportation: we have now added a cost for those wishing to import or export gametes or embryos internationally. This demand has increased exponentially due to the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions worldwide.


  • Partnership with Ferring re extended credit period of four months to offset cash flows during the pandemic.
  • Partnership with Merck pharmaceuticals re providing drugs for our IVF patients if their cycles were cancelled because of COVID-19.

Online Promotion

The HWFMU's social media promotion has been generating interest in the services of the Unit which will improve the financial health of the University.

The launch and promotion on the HWFMU's social media pages—Instagram and Facebook—increased its visibility to the diasporic population. The social medial promotional strategy has increased the HWFMU's clientele and enquires. This, coupled with the latest applications in digital technologies (Artificial Intelligent Bot and WhatsApp) have improved communication with clients, resulting in quicker responses and earlier appointments.

The creation and the launch on the new assisted reproductive website named IVFJamaica is ranked higher in the SERP (search engine results page), hence, increasing HWFMU's visibility in the digital space.

Traditional media and email marketing have played a role in generating interest in the HWFMU's services but not to the extent of the digital platforms.

Find HWFMU on:

Website: http://www.uwi.edu/fertility/ and http://www.ivfjamaica/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivfjamaica/

Instagram: hwfertilitymanagementunit

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IVFJamaica