Committee reimagines the UWI beyond 2021

Taking account of the challenges faced by The UWI, in April 2020, Vice-Chancellor Beckles appointed a committee to advise the university on "Imagining The UWI for the 2020/21 Academic Year". The expectation was not merely that The UWI survives the COVID-19 pandemic, but thrives despite the challenges posed.

The committee, co-chaired by Senator Lisa Cummins and Dr. Canute Thompson, and comprising a cross section of staff across multiple areas, provided its final report on June 30, 2020. Appreciating its mandate of"re-imagining"The UWI and that inevitably, its recommendations would impact not just the 2020/21 academic year, the committee focused on"Re-imagining The UWI beyond 2020/21" and proffered an overall view that the COVID-19 pandemic presented the university with an opportunity to fast track the embedding of online delivery in its teaching and learning enterprise and to adopt virtual platforms to support all areas of its operations.

Its final report presented under the theme "Engaging People, Enhancing Processes, Expanding Possibilities" offered sixty-five recommendations covering the areas of staff and student engagement; digital transformation; teaching and learning; management and administrative support services; halls of residence; financial stabilization; diversification strategy and the entrepreneurial university.

Membership of the Committee

Senator Lisa Cummins Co-Chair
Dr Canute Thompson Co-Chair
Dr Mairette Newman Commonwealth of Learning
Mr Raymond Campbell KPMG Advisory Services
Professor Justin Robinson Cave Hill
Professor Opal Adisa Centre
Mrs Brigitte Collins Centre
Dr Rhonda Jaipaul-O'Garro Centre
Dr Stacy Richards-Kennedy Centre
Mr Hyram Forde Five Islands
Professor Paul Brown Mona
Dr Heather Ricketts Mona
Mr Danny Roberts Open Campus
Dr Cheryl Sloley Open Campus
Mr Navneet Boodhai St Augustine
Dr Hamid Ghany St Augustine
Dr Katija Khan St Augustine
Mr Troy Eustace Student Representative,
St Augustine
Mrs Marvette Facey-Thompson Administrative Support