After a decade of working in close partnership with The UWI Open Campus, University of St. Martin (USM) expressed an interest in joining The UWI system. That process began with the virtual signing of an MOU between the two universities in October 2020, which marked the framework for collaboration and regional development between the Dutch Caribbean and English-speaking territories of The UWI.
Vice-Chancellor Beckles noted that this "historic and courageous project seeks to reverse the legacies of the Columbus project, to put those legacies behind us so that we can go forward as one people, one sovereign nation, one civilization." He identified that until now, the indigenous civilization of the Caribbean has been broken and fragmented by imperial interventions. "This is a moment in which two universities have agreed to transcend all of these divisive relationships and to pursue that common goal which is to build capacity to strengthen the next generation and all the peoples of the Caribbean."
Prime Minister of St Maarten, the Honourable Silveria Jacobs, noting that education plays an important role especially for a small island developing nation said, "We are happy as government to facilitate, assist and promote any collaborations especially within our region whereby our people will be empowered. It is in keeping with our government's aim to be progressive with education and with our goal to better equip our citizens with future knowledge goals and skills."
President of the Board of the University of St Maarten Foundation, Mrs. Valerie Giterson Pantophlet, declared that the venture is "one that will allow USM to further its goals of preparing a cadre of professionals that is equipped with the regional and global knowledge in order to advance the healthy development of our countrymen and women."
One of the first tangible outputs from the MOU will be a Bachelor of Science degree programme in social work by The UWI Open Campus and USM, expected to begin in 2021.
This MOU provides a framework to enable the two universities to enter into an even closer institutional partnership within The UWI system which will attract more students as well as higher levels and greater strategies for research, ultimately leading to the generation of more revenue for both. For the wider Caribbean, the historic partnership model demonstrates the implementation of a stronger Caribbean education response to the challenges facing the region.