The UWI signs landmark MoU with world's largest university research donor

Cross-section of the distinguished panel participating in the jointly organised UWI-ECLAC Development Partner Forum, which included regional Prime Ministers, Ministers, senior policy makers, representatives from the United Nations, international donor agencies and development banks.

One of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world, Open Society Foundations (OSF) demonstrated its alignment with the strategic vision of The UWI, symbolized by an MOU between the two entities in 2020.

This collaboration agreement culminated several months of discussions in support of Open Society's dedicated strategy for engaging the Caribbean, led by their Latin America Programme team and the University Office of Global Partnerships and Sustainable Futures. It came at a time of heightened vulnerability of the Caribbean region, as it confronts a crisis of unprecedented proportions, resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing effects of climate change.

Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, President of Open Society, underscored the Foundations' commitment to investing in higher education, a key pillar of an open society. "This MOU further cements a long-term and deep relationship and reaffirms our commitment to address issues important to The UWI, OSF and the Caribbean. Together, we will work to fight climate change, racial injustice, and attacks on democracy," Gaspard said.

"Our interconnectedness as a global community emphasizes the need for transnational responses to address the unique multidimensional development challenges faced by Caribbean societies. We cannot do it alone. Open Society Foundation is demonstrating its exceptional leadership and deep concern for the Caribbean and we warmly welcome this," explained Vice-Chancellor Beckles. "Our efforts to build a world- class regional university cannot be allowed to dissipate at this critical time. We continue to strengthen our network of partners and through our collaborations, provide opportunities for young people and support to our regional governments as they undertake the economic and social transformation needed to build more just, inclusive and sustainable societies," Vice- Chancellor Beckles added.

The joint activities between Open Society Foundations and The UWI are expected to include academic and educational content; research and innovation initiatives as well as training workshops, conferences, symposia, etc. Institutional and/or capacity building initiatives are also anticipated and importantly, education and outreach to promote human rights and democracy in the Caribbean region. Participation in the Open Society University Network (OSUN) is also being explored.