The UWI and the University of Glasgow (UoG)

Free online course on history of British slavery

A new free online course investigates the history of British colonial slavery in the Caribbean, reflecting its links to racial inequalities and present-day global protests. The UWI and the University of Glasgow (UoG) partnered to deliver the online course, which takes participants on a 350-year journey from West Africa and the Caribbean through to the UK's Windrush Generation and the present day.

History of Slavery in the British Caribbean on the leading social learning platform,, explores the renewed debate in the UK about the treatment of symbols of Britain's colonial past and how the global Black Lives Matter protests have caused many to reflect on the country's history of racism and its roots in slavery.

Drawing on the expertise of academics in the Caribbean, The History of Slavery in the British Caribbean includes material by UWI contributors, Dr. Zachary Beier, Lecturer at the Mona Campus' Department of History and Archaeology, Dr. Tara Inniss from the Department of History and Philosophy at the Cave Hill Campus, and Dr. Shani Roper, UWI Museum Curator at The UWI Regional Headquarters.

Looking beyond this free course, as part of the work of the GCCDR, both universities are also preparing to jointly offer a Master of Arts Programme in Reparatory Justice.