Friends in fundraising

(From Left): Keifa Desnoes, an undergraduate student and beneficiary; Mr. Dwayne Haynes, President of The UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter); Pro Vice-Chancellor & Principal of The UWI, Mona Campus, Prof. Dale Webber; newly appointed Campus Bursar Mrs. Catherine Parke Thwaites; Campus Registrar, Dr. Donovan Stanberry; and Dr. Brian Kazaara, Executive Member of The UWIAA (Jamaica Chapter).

For impoverished students at The UWI, financial challenges have taken on greater significance amid the struggles of a global pandemic. Forced to choose between paying tuition or acquiring basic needs for their survival, without aid their ability to break the bondage of generational poverty appears even more remote and unattainable. For this reason, the American Foundation for The UWI (AFUWI) renewed its commitment to support the aspirations and hopes of talented young men and women who should not be denied access to higher education because of circumstances beyond their control.

With agility in its fundraising practices and a quick pivot to new approaches to gain donor support, the Foundation collaborated with alumni chapters of Washington DC, New York, and Florida to support the Laptop and Tablet Campaign initiated by The UWI AA Jamaica Chapter for needy students. A total of 50 laptops were donated to the Mona Campus from funds raised from an online campaign. An additional 10 units were also acquired for the other satellite sites in the Open Campus countries in the region.

Among the sponsors to be thanked include Caribbean Airlines, who generously donated cargo space for air transportation of the much-needed devices.