First out of UWI-China

From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, in January 2020, The UWI administration had its finger on the pulse of students deployed in China completing their 2+2 degree in Software Engineering (Mobile Application Technology), a collaboration between The UWI and the Global Institute of Software Technology (GIST) in Suzhou, China. Closely monitored and supported, provided with medical screenings and counselling, our students continued to work remotely during the precautionary closure of the campus, which took place even though Suzhou was not at the epicentre of the outbreak.

Six months into what evolved into a global pandemic, in July 2020, 26 students proudly completed the China module of their Software Engineering programme, seen as a vital element in the drive to fuel the region's digital revolution.

Students were exposed to academic, technological, and cultural elements, such as state-of-the-art software engineering training and research and development, Mandarin lessons, and immersion in Chinese culture. They pursued industry-related internships with international clients in Suzhou, and in Italy and other countries.

Although formal graduation ceremonies were cancelled, a modest celebration marked the occasion. Students were congratulated via video message by Vice-Chancellor Beckles, who called them "ambassadors and leaders of the programme".

President of GIST, Professor Zhu Xiu Lin, also extended his congratulations, commending them on their discipline and courage during the difficult pandemic-related restrictions, and expressing admiration for their personal values. He wished them well in their future careers and future contributions to the economic and social development of the Caribbean region.