Sterling Frost
Advisory Board Chair

Dr. Sterling Frost O.R.T.T. Professor of Practice – Management Studies and Honorary Consul 
for the Republic of Costa Rica to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a Senior International 
Management Executive with a global mindset who has successfully blended academia with the 
corporate sector over the last four decades. He has a proven track record of achievement in 
leading organizations across multiple geographies: North America, Latin America, and the 
Caribbean region.

He has solid experience in areas encompassing Organizational Transformation and Culture 
Change, Knowledge Management, Human Resource Management, Strategic Planning, 
Organizational and Leadership Development, Strategic Workforce Planning, Operations and 
Process Improvement.

Before joining the First Citizens Group in 2016 as Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer –
Operations and Administration, he served as Director of Human Resources at the Miami-based 
Citibank Latin America Head Office. There, he had oversight of 12,000 employees across 13 
countries in the Central American and Caribbean region, serving 1.2 million clients. His past 
directorships include financial institutions across Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Nicaragua and 
Honduras. He currently serves on the Boards of several subsidiaries within the First Citizens 

He has a Master’s degree and a Doctorate in Business Administration from The University of 
the West Indies (The UWI). He retains the designation of Accredited Director as well as, 
Chartered Secretary from the Chartered Governance Institute of Canada. He is also a 
University of California, Berkeley certified Executive Coach, a Prosci Certified Change 
Practitioner and an Authorized Partner for the DiSC® Personality Assessments.
In February 2019, he was the first person in the history of The University of the West Indies to 
be appointed Professor of Practice: Management Studies, in recognition of his professional 
competence, distinguished practice, notable teaching and service contributions.
He is the recipient of The UWI Inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award conferred in 2011 and 
was selected as 1 of 50 Inaugural Distinguished Alumni Graduates out of a pool of 25,000 UWI 
graduates including Prime Ministers, business leaders, judges and educators. Criteria for 
selection included innovation, critical thinking, advancement of society and commitment to 
life-long learning. 

In 2021 the Institute of Banking of Trinidad and Tobago in its 31-year history of granting 
Fellowship Awards, honoured Professor of Practice Dr Sterling Frost as the first person to be 
conferred a Fellowship Award in the category of: Substantial Contribution towards the 
Advancement of Knowledge of the Theory of Banking and Finance.
In 2022 Frost was awarded the highest national honour – The Order of the Republic of Trinidad 
and Tobago (ORTT) for distinguished and outstanding service to Trinidad and Tobago in the 
spheres of Banking, Education and Community Service. In the history of conferring this award 
(since 1969), Professor Frost is the first person to receive the highest honour across three (3) 