Hurricane Iris 2001

Severe category 4 storm made landfall on October 9, was small but severe, with winds as high as 138mph, the storm devastated Southern Belize. Due to the small size of
The storm damage was concentrated within a 60-mile wife area in South Belize. There was extensive damage caused to public utilities and houses. Hardest hit were Monkey River Town, Placencia and Independence with a 8 to 15 foot feet surge. Other areas in Stann Creek and Toledo Districts were also damaged. In Monkey River Town only 2 buildings remained standing and 1 of those the hurricane shelter lost its roof.
It was reported that the storm devastated some villages, wiping out between 90-99% of houses.
In Placencia many houses were destroyed, 75 to 85 % of the structures were destroyed or damaged. To the west of Placencia a boat capsized killing 11. Majority of small villages in Rural Toledo badly affected. IN San Marcos only 3 houses remain out of 100. In the villages of Big Falls, San Marcos and San Antonio 400 people were left homeless. In San Antonio 20 houses were destroyed. All the crops in the affected area - rice, cacao, coffee, banana, corn and papaya - have also been destroyed, and so have most food stocks. A report from the government of Belize states damage of 480 million BZ (240 million USD). According to the National Disaster organization in Belize 24 persons in all died.
21,568 people were affected by the hurricane. In total 3,178 houses were damaged, 19 schools and 12 health posts were destroyed. 85 % of banana plantations were damaged, together with shrimp farms accounting for 25 % of production. Corn, rice, plantain, mango and cacao crops were also seriously affected, with damage to 5,512 acres of banana plantation and 3,581 acres of rice cultivation. Losses in cattle appear to be minimal but significant losses in small stock such as local chickens, sheep and pigs are expected. Shrimp farms mostly those near Placencia and Independence suffered from seepage of contaminated water that may cause damages up to 25% of their production. damages to the Agricultural Sector has been largely due to the strength of the wind and so much from heavy rainfall or flooding. 90 % of the tourist accommodation facilities on the Placencia Peninsula which includes Seine Bight, were significantly damaged by the storm. In addition, there was almost total destruction of bridges, piers and dive shops on the Peninsula, which service these facilities. Damages to the Mayan community archaeological sites and the environment were also reported.



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