Professor Eudine Barriteau delivers the Devaki Jain lecture at St Anne's College , Oxford University

Caribbean High Commissioners, representative and members of diaspora were in attendance at the lecture given by Principal Eudine Barriteau at St Anne's College, Oxford on 16 May 2019. The subject of the lecture was 'Coming into our own? Caribbean women and power. Professor Barriteau's slides can be found in our resources section.
Professor Eudine Barriteau is a Grenadian born Caribbean feminist, scholar and activist with considerable experience in research, senior administration and coordination of regional projects. She has been awarded several academic scholarships and awards from universities and organisations.
Professor Barriteau was the first Head of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at The University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus. She was appointed Deputy Principal of the Cave Hill Campus in 2008 and Principal in 2015. Her research interests encompass transformational educational leadership, feminist theorizing, gender and public policy and investigations of the Caribbean political economy.