Crime, violence, and citizen security-related issues are regarded as highly important. This is so, not just because the professionals who work on these problems regard them as such, but because the region's populations regard them as such. Within the Caribbean, crime and violence are driven by a set of unique and dynamic forces that are embedded in our social and economic fabric. Understanding and addressing these forces have become, in many ways, our most significant development challenge. Respect for the sanctity of life is a mark of civilisation. So too is respect for the rule of law, which is essential in making the region a more liveable place. These values and challenges underscore the importance that we must place on crime reduction.
To advance education and create knowledge through excellence in teaching, research, innovation, public service, intellectual leadership and outreach to support the inclusive (social, economic, political, cultural, environmental) development of the Caribbean region and beyond.
To develop the university-level human resource needs of the criminal justice system by:
- Seeking solutions through research that is empirically based, conceptually sound and policy-relevant
- Providing leadership and management education and training that enhance the professional advancement of participants and relevant to the development needs of law enforcement agencies
- Providing policy and technical advice based on comprehensive studies of the relevant issues.