The mandate of the University Office of Research (also referred as the Research Division of the School for Graduate Studies and Research) is to facilitate the development of research capacity and output at The UWI and transform the University into a more research-driven institution.

The Value of Research

Research ensures that:

  • The knowledge to drive economic growth and regional development is generated
  • Critical thinkers and regional leaders are produced
  • International recognition of The UWI is enhanced
  • Competitiveness in accessing international grants is increased
  • The quality and relevance of UWI teaching programmes are improved


What We Do

The following are some of the key responsibilities/foci of the Office of Research:

  • Inter-Campus and International Collaboration 
  • Researcher Development and Recognition 
  • Intellectual Property Protection and Commercialisation 
  • Research Policies and Procedures 
  • Research Funding 
  • Management of Research Institutes, Centres and Units
  • Research Cluster Development and Management
  • Regional Services

Office of Research Programmes >>>



The Office of Research manages and serves the following Committees:

  • UWI Research Ethics Committee 
  • Research Advisory Committee 
  • Quality Assurance Follow-Up Committee

Commitee Details >>>



The University has secured several professional research tools and software which are free to access by current students and staff.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University has widened access to these tools by making them available to staff and students on and off-campus, to increase the efficiency of remote teaching and learning.
These tools and software vary across The UWI’s five campuses. A complete list of the tools available (by campus) can be accessed below:

Digital tools to improve research and project management