Books for Review
Caribbean Quarterly invites reviews for the following books which we have received.
Contact the editor: kimberly.robinson@uwimona.edu.jm
Book Title | Book Details |
Academic Writing Instruction for Creole-Influenced Students |
Academic Writing Instruction for Creole-Influenced Students, by Vivette Milson-Whyte. University of the West Indies Press, 2015. 271 pp. |
African Diaspora in the Cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States |
African Diaspora in the Cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States, edited by Persephone Braham. University of Delaware Press, 2015. 181 pp. |
Alejo Carpentier and the Musical Text |
Alejo Carpentier and the Musical Text, by Katia Chornik. Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Publishing, 2015. 139 pp. |
Allusions in Omeros: Notes and a Guide to Derek Walcott’s Masterpiece |
Allusions in Omeros: Notes and a Guide to Derek Walcott’s Masterpiece, by Maria McGarrity. University Press of Florida, 2015. 216 pp. |
Archaeologies of Slavery and Freedom in the Caribbean: Exploring the Spaces in Between |
Archaeologies of Slavery and Freedom in the Caribbean: Exploring the Spaces in Between, edited by Lynsey A. Bates, John M. Chenoweth, and James A. Delle. University of Florida Press, 2016. 354 pp. |
Autoepitaph: Selected Poems |
Autoepitaph: Selected Poems, by Reinaldo Arenas. University Press of Florida, 2014. 363 pp. |
Book of the Dead |
Book of the Dead, by Lasana M.Sekou. House of Nehesi Publishers, 2016. 68 pp. |
Britain’s History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a ‘National Sin’ |
Britain’s History and Memory of Transatlantic Slavery: Local Nuances of a ‘National Sin’, edited by Katie Donington, Ryan Hanley, and Jessica Moody. Liverpool University Press, 2016. 29 pp. |
Caribbean Globalizations, 1492 to the Present Day |
Caribbean Globalizations, 1492 to the Present Day, edited by Eva Sansavior and Richard Scholar. Liverpool University Press, 2015. 274 pp. |
Caribbean Literary Discourse: Voice and Cultural Identity in the Anglophone Caribbean |
Caribbean Literary Discourse: Voice and Cultural Identity in the Anglophone Caribbean, by Barbara Lalla, Jean D’Costa, and Velma Pollard. University of Alabama Press, 2014. 277 pp. |
Columbus, the Moor |
Columbus, the Moor, by Charles Matz. House of Nehesi Publishers, 2015. 90 pp. |
Communities in Contemporary Anglophone Caribbean Short Stories |
Communities in Contemporary Anglophone Caribbean Short Stories, by Lucy Evans. Liverpool University Press, 2014. 230 pp. |
CQ Volume 65, No. 1 (March 2019) |
Caribbean Quarterly invites reviews for the following books which we have received. Contact the editor: <kimberly.robinson@uwimona.edu.jm>
Alfred H. Mendes: Short Stories, Articles and Letters, edited by Michèle Levy. University of the West Indies Press, 2016. 223 pp.
Arbitral Travels: Reminiscences of a Peripatetic Jamaican Arbitrator, by M.J. Stoppi. University of the West Indies Press, 2018. 130 pp.
Archaeologies of Slavery and Freedom in the Caribbean: Exploring the Spaces in Between, edited by Lynsey A. Bates, John M. Chenoweth, and James A. Delle. University of Florida Press, 2016. 354 pp.
Archipelagic American Studies, edited by Brian Russell Roberts and Michelle Ann Stephens. Duke University Press, 2017. 478 pp.
An Archipelago of Caribbean Masks, by Lowell Fiet. Ian Randle, 2019. 93 pp.
Archives of Conjure: Stories of the Dead in Afrolatinx Cultures, by Solimar Otero. Columbia University Press, 2020. 248 pp.
Arrival: Poems, by Cheryl Boyce-Taylor. Northwestern University Press, 2017. 70 pp.
Autochthonomies: Transnationalism, Testimony, and Transmission in the African Diaspora, by Myriam J. A. Chancy. University of Illinois Press, 2020. 231 pp.
Bite Yu Finga! Innovating Belizean Cuisine, by Lyra H. Spang. University of the West Indies Press, 2019. 274 pp.
The Black Republic: African Americans and the Fate of Haiti, by Brandon R. Byrd. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. 297 pp. Caribbean Counterpoint: The Aesthetics of Salt in Lasana Sekou, by Sara Florian. House of Nehesi, 2019. 176 pp.
Caribbean Jewish Crossings: Literary History and Creative Practice, edited by Sarah Phillips Casteel and Heidi Kaufman. University of Virginia Press, 2019. 332 pp.
Carnival Is Woman: Feminism and Performance in Caribbean Mas, edited by Frances Henry and Dwaine Plaza. University Press of Mississippi, 2020. 201 pp.
The Collected Poems of Édouard Glissant, translated by Jeff Humphries with Melissa Manolas. University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 257 pp.
Colonial Ecology, Atlantic Economy: Transforming Nature in Early New England, by Strother E. Roberts. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. 271 pp.
La Compagnie des îles de l’Amérique 1635–1651: Une Entreprise Colonial Au xviie siècle, by Eric Roulet. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017. 812 pp.
Conversations with Paule Marshall, edited by James C. Hall and Heather Hathaway. University Press of Mississippi, 2019. 218 pp.
Crossing the Line: Early Creole Novels and Anglophone Caribbean Culture in the Age of Emancipation, by Candace Ward. University of Virginia Press, 2017. 225 pp.
Decolonizing the Caribbean Record: An Archives Reader, edited by Jeanette A. Bastian, John A. Aarons, and Stanley H. Griffin. Litwin Books, 2018. 816 pp.
Dézafi: A Novel, by Frankétienne, translated by Asselin Charles. University of Virginia Press, 2018. 200 pp.
Direct Democracy: Collective Power, the Swarm and the Literatures of the Americas, by Scott Henkel. University Press of Mississippi, 2017. 209 pp.
Earl Lovelace, by Funso Aiyejina. University of the West Indies Press, 2017. 114 pp.
Entangled Otherness: Cross-Gender Fabrications in the Francophone Caribbean, by Charlotte Hammond. Liverpool University Press, 2018. 258 pp.
Freedom Roots: Histories from the Caribbean, by Laurent Dubois and Richard Lee Turits. University of North Carolina Press, 2019. 395 pp.
Fugitive Modernities: Kisama and the Politics of Freedom, by Jessica A. Krug. Duke University Press, 2018. 260 pp.
Ghost Voices: A Poem in Prayer, by Quincy Troupe. Northwestern University Press, 2019. 72 pp.
Glissant and the Middle Passage: Philosophy, Beginning, Abyss, by John E. Drabinski. University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 243 pp.
The Greening of St Lucia: Economic Development and Environmental Change in the West Indies, by Bradley B. Walters. University of the West Indies Press, 2019. 224 pp.
Grounds for Tenure, by Barbara Lalla. University of the West Indies Press, 2017. 361 pp.
Handbook of Ceramic Animal Symbols in the Ancient Lesser Antilles, by Lawrence Waldron. University of Florida Press, 2016. 266 pp.
Hayti: A Novel, by Kurtis Sunday. Cambaria Books, 2017. 334 pp.
Hot Feet and Social Change: African Dance and Diaspora Communities, edited by Kariamu Welsh, Esailama G.A. Diouf, and Yvonne Daniel. University of Illinois Press, 2019. 309 pp.
Hurricane Protocol, by Lasana M. Sekou. House of Nehesi Publishers, 2019. 53 pp.
I and I: Epitaphs for the Self in the Work of V.S. Naipaul, Kamau Brathwaite and Derek Walcott, by Rhonda Cobham-Sander. University of the West Indies Press, 2016. 302 pp.
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk: The Uses of Gossip in Caribbean Literature, by Ana Rodríguez Navas. University of Virginia Press, 2018. 293 pp.
In Nearby Bushes, by Kei Miller. Carcanet, 2019. 76 pp.
In Plenty and in Time of Need: Popular Culture and the Remapping of Barbadian Identity, by Lia T. Bascomb. Rutgers University Press, 2020. 294 pp.
Island Gospel: Pentecostal Music and Identity in Jamaica and the United States, by Melvin L. Butler. University of Illinois Press, 2019. 198 pp.
Kwame Dawes’ Prophets: A Reader’s Guide, by Jeremy Poynting. Peepal Tree Press, 2018. 307 pp.
Literary Primitivism, by Ben Etherington. Stanford University Press, 2018. 218 pp.
The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde: Postmodernism as Post-nationalism, by Therese Kaspersen Hadchity. Purdue University Press, 2020. 261 pp.
Mapping Hispaniola: Third Space in Dominican and Haitian Literature, by Megan Jeanette Myers. University of Virginia Press, 2019. 218 pp.
Mulata Nation: Visualizing Race and Gender in Cuba, by Alison Fraunhar. University of Mississippi Press, 2018. 262 pp.
Parallel Visions, Confluent Worlds: Five Comparative Postcolonial Studies of Caribbean and Irish Novels in English, 1925–1965, by Richard McGuire. University of the West Indies Press, 2017. 192 pp.
Passages & Afterworlds: Anthropological Perspectives on Death in the Caribbean, edited by Maarit Forde and Yanique Hume. Duke University Press, 2018. 297 pp.
Performance and Personhood in Caribbean Literature: From Alexis to the Digital Age, by Jeannine Murray-Román. University of Virginia Press, 2016. 244 pp.
Public Secrets: Race and Colour in Colonial and Independent Jamaica, by Henrice Altink. Liverpool University Press, 2019. 262 pp.
Prophets, by Kwame Dawes. Peepal Tree Press, 2018. 164 pp.
Race and Nation in the Age of Emancipations, edited by Whitney Nell Stewart and John Garrison Marks. University of Georgia Press, 2018. 205 pp.
Race, Sexuality and Identity in Britain and Jamaica: The Biography of Patrick Nelson, 1916–1963, by Gemma Romain. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017. 264 pp.
Reimagining Educational Leadership in the Caribbean, by Canute S. Thompson. University of the West Indies Press, 2019. 119 pp.
Returned Exile: A Biography of George James Christian of Dominica and the Gold Coast, 1869–1940, by Margaret D. Rouse-Jones and Estelle M. Appiah. University of the West Indies Press, 2016. 320 pp.
Riding with Death: Vodou Art and Urban Ecology in the Streets of Port-au-Prince, by Jana Evans Braziel. University of Mississippi Press, 2017. 260 pp.
Seduction: New Poems, 2013–2018, by Quincy Troupe. Northwestern University Press, 2019. 109 pp.
The Slave Master of Trinidad: William Hardin Burnley and the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World, by Selwyn R. Cudjoe. University of Massachusetts Press, 2018. 345 pp.
Staging Creolization: Women’s Theater and Performance from the French Caribbean, by Emily Sahakian. University of Virginia Press, 2017. 274 pp.
Translating Nature: Cross Cultural Histories of Early Modern Science, edited by Jaime Marroquįn Arredondo and Ralph Bauer. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. 355 pp.
Victorian Jamaica, edited by Tim Barringer and Wayne Modest. Duke University Press, 2018. 722 pp.
Vodou in Haitian Memory: The Idea and Representation of Vodou in Haitian Imagination, edited by Celucien L. Joseph and Nixon S. Cleophat. Lexington Books, 2016. 228 pp.
Water Graves: The Art of the Unritual in the Greater Caribbean, by Valérie Loichot. University of Virginia Press, 2020. 287 pp.
Where I See the Sun: Contemporary Poetry in the Virgin Islands, edited by Lasana M. Sekou. House of Nehesi Publishers, 2016. 111 pp.
CQ Volume 65, No. 1 (March 2019) |
Caribbean Quarterly invites reviews for the following books which we have received. Contact the editor: <kimberly.robinson@uwimona.edu.jm>
CQ Volume 65, No. 3 (September 2019) |
Caribbean Quarterly invites reviews for the following books which we have received. Contact the editor: <kimberly.robinson@uwimona.edu.jm>
Alfred H. Mendes: Short Stories, Articles and Letters, edited by Michèle Levy. University of the West Indies Press, 2016. 223 pp. Arbitral Travels: Reminiscences of a Peripatetic Jamaican Arbitrator, by M.J. Stoppi. University of the West Indies Press, 2018. 130 pp. Archaeologies of Slavery and Freedom in the Caribbean: Exploring the Spaces in Between, edited by Lynsey A. Bates, John M. Chenoweth, and James A. Delle. University of Florida Press, 2016. 354 pp. Archipelagic American Studies, edited by Brian Russell Roberts and Michelle Ann Stephens. Duke University Press, 2017. 478 pp. An Archipelago of Caribbean Masks, by Lowell Fiet. Ian Randle, 2019. 93 pp. Archives of Conjure: Stories of the Dead in Afrolatinx Cultures, by Solimar Otero. Colombia University Press, 2020. 248 pp. Arrival: Poems, by Cheryl Boyce-Taylor. Northwestern University Press, 2017. 70 pp. Autochthonomies: Transnationalism, Testimony, and Transmission in the African Diaspora, by Myriam J. A. Chancy. University of Illinois Press, 2020. 231 pp. Bite Yu Finga! Innovating Belizean Cuisine, by Lyra H. Spang. The University of the West Indies Press, 2019. 274 pp. The Black Republic: African Americans and the Fate of Haiti, by Brandon R. Byrd. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. 297 pp. The Caribbean and the Wider World: Commentaries on My Life and Career, by Alister McIntyre. University of the West Indies Press, 2016. 269 pp. Caribbean Masala: Indian Identity in Guyana and Trinidad, by Dave Ramsaran and Linden F. Lewis. University Press of Mississippi, 2018. 169 pp. Carnival Is Woman: Feminism and Performance in Caribbean Mas, edited by Frances Henry and Dwaine Plaza. University Press of Mississippi, 2020. 201 pp. The Collected Poems of Édouard Glissant, translated by Jeff Humphries with Melissa Manolas. University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 257 pp. Colonial Ecology, Atlantic Economy: Transforming Nature in Early New England, by Strother E. Roberts. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. 271 pp. La Compagnie des îles de l’Amérique 1635–1651: Une entreprise colonial au xviie siècle, by Eric Roulet. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017. 812 pp. Conversations with Paule Marshall, edited by James C. Hall and Heather Hathaway. University Press of Mississippi, 2019. 218 pp. Crossing the Line: Early Creole Novels and Anglophone Caribbean Culture in the Age of Emancipation, by Candace Ward. University of Virginia Press, 2017. 225 pp. Decolonizing the Caribbean Record: An Archives Reader, edited by Jeanette A. Bastian, John A. Aarons, and Stanley H. Griffin. Litwin Books, 2018. 816 pp. Detain and Punish: Haitian Refugees and the Rise of the World’s Largest Immigration Detention System, by Carl Lindskoog. University of Florida Press, 2018. 206 pp. Dézafi: A Novel, by Frankétienne, translated by Asselin Charles. University of Virginia Press, 2018. 200 pp. Direct Democracy: Collective Power, the Swarm and the Literatures of the Americas, by Scott Henkel. University Press of Mississippi, 2017. 209 pp. Earl Lovelace, by Funso Aiyejina. University of the West Indies Press, 2017. 114 pp. Entangled Otherness: Cross-Gender Fabrications in the Francophone Caribbean, by Charlotte Hammond. Liverpool University Press, 2018. 258 pp. The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud and the Gods Black People Make, by J. Lorand Matory. Duke University Press, 2018. 362 pp. Films for the Colonies: Cinema and the Preservation of the British Empire, by Tom Rice. University of California Press, 2019. 343 pp. Freedom Roots: Histories from the Caribbean, by Laurent Dubois and Richard Lee Turits. University of North Carolina Press, 2019. 395 pp. Fugitive Modernities: Kisama and the Politics of Freedom, by Jessica A. Krug. Duke University Press, 2018. 260 pp. Ghost Voices: A Poem in Prayer, by Quincy Troupe. Northwestern University Press, 2019. 72 pp. Glissant and the Middle Passage: Philosophy, Beginning, Abyss, by John E. Drabinski. University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 243 pp. The Greening of St Lucia: Economic Development and Environmental Change in the West Indies, by Bradley B. Walters. University of the West Indies Press, 2019. 224 pp. Grounds for Tenure, by Barbara Lalla. University of the West Indies Press, 2017. 361 pp. Handbook of Ceramic Animal Symbols in the Ancient Lesser Antilles, by Lawrence Waldron. University of Florida Press, 2016. 266 pp. Hayti: A Novel, by Kurtis Sunday. Cambaria Books, 2017. 334 pp. Hot Feet and Social Change: African Dance and Diaspora Communities, edited by Kariamu Welsh, Esailama G.A. Diouf, and Yvonne Daniel. University of Illinois Press, 2019. 309 pp. Hurricane Protocol, by Lasana M. Sekou. House of Nehesi Publishers, 2019. 53 pp. In Nearby Bushes, by Kei Miller. Carcanet, 2019. 76 pp. I and I: Epitaphs for the Self in the Work of V.S. Naipaul, Kamau Brathwaite and Derek Walcott, by Rhonda Cobham-Sander. University of the West Indies Press, 2016. 302 pp. Idle Talk, Deadly Talk: The Uses of Gossip in Caribbean Literature, by Ana Rodríguez Navas. University of Virginia Press, 2018. 293 pp. Indo-Caribbean Feminist Thought: Geneologies, Theories, Enactments, edited by Gabrielle Jamela Hosein and Lisa Outar. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 349 pp. In Plenty and in Time of Need: Popular Culture and the Remapping of Barbadian Identity, by Lia T. Bascomb. Rutgers University Press, 2020. 294 pp. Island Gospel: Pentecostal Music and Identity in Jamaica and the United States, by Melvin L. Butler. University of Illinois Press, 2019. 198 pp. Kwame Dawes’ Prophets: A Reader’s Guide, by Jeremy Poynting. Peepal Tree Press, 2018. 307 pp. Literary Primitivism, by Ben Etherington. Stanford University Press, 2018. 218 pp. Love after Love, by Ingrid Persaud. Faber & Faber, 2020. 411 pp. Mapping Hispaniola: Third Space in Dominican and Haitian Literature, by Megan Jeanette Myers. University of Virginia Press, 2019. 218 pp. Mayer Matalon: Business, Politics and the Jewish-Jamaican Elite, by Diana Thorburn. Hamilton Books, 2019. 135 pp. Mulata Nation: Visualizing Race and Gender in Cuba, by Alison Fraunhar. University of Mississippi Press, 2018. 262 pp. The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World, by Elena A. Schneider. University of North Carolina Press, 2018. 335 pp. Parallel Visions, Confluent Worlds: Five Comparative Postcolonial Studies of Caribbean and Irish Novels in English, 1925–1965, by Richard McGuire. University of the West Indies Press, 2017. 192 pp. Passages & Afterworlds: Anthropological Perspectives on Death in the Caribbean, edited by Maarit Forde and Yanique Hume. Duke University Press, 2018. 297 pp. Performance and Personhood in Caribbean Literature: From Alexis to the Digital Age, by Jeannine Murray-Román. University of Virginia Press, 2016. 244 pp. Port of Spain: The Construction of a Caribbean City, 1888–1962, by Stephen Stuempfle. University of the West Indies Press, 2018. 465 pp. Public Secrets: Race and Colour in Colonial and Independent Jamaica, by Henrice Altink. Liverpool University Press, 2019. 262 pp. Prophets, by Kwame Dawes. Peepal Tree Press, 2018. 164 pp. Race and Nation in the Age of Emancipations, edited by Whitney Nell Stewart and John Garrison Marks. University of Georgia Press, 2018. 205 pp. Race, Sexuality and Identity in Britain and Jamaica: The Biography of Patrick Nelson, 1916–1963, by Gemma Romain. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017. 264 pp. Reimagining Educational Leadership in the Caribbean, by Canute S. Thompson. University of the West Indies Press, 2019. 119 pp. Returned Exile: A Biography of George James Christian of Dominica and the Gold Coast, 1869–1940, by Margaret D. Rouse-Jones and Estelle M. Appiah. University of the West Indies Press, 2016. 320 pp. Riding with Death: Vodou Art and Urban Ecology in the Streets of Port-au-Prince, by Jana Evans Braziel. University of Mississippi Press, 2017. 260 pp. Seduction: New Poems, 2013–2018, by Quincy Troupe. Northwestern University Press, 2019. 109 pp. The Slave Master of Trinidad: William Hardin Burnley and the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World, by Selwyn R. Cudjoe. University of Massachusetts Press, 2018. 345 pp. Staging Creolization: Women’s Theater and Performance from the French Caribbean, by Emily Sahakian. University of Virginia Press, 2017. 274 pp. A Tall History of Sugar, by Curdella Forbes. Akashic Books, 2019. 366 pp. Translating Nature: Cross Cultural Histories of Early Modern Science, edited by Jaime Marroquįn Arredondo and Ralph Bauer. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. 355 pp. Una Marson, by Lisa Tomlinson. The University of the West Indies Press, 2019. 82 pp. Victorian Jamaica, edited by Tim Barringer and Wayne Modest. Duke University Press, 2018. 722 pp. Vodou in Haitian Memory: The Idea and Representation of Vodou in Haitian Imagination, edited by Celucien L. Joseph and Nixon S. Cleophat. Lexington Books, 2016. 228 pp. Water Graves: The Art of the Unritual in the Greater Caribbean, by Valérie Loichot. University of Virginia Press, 2020. 287 pp. Where I See the Sun: Contemporary Poetry in the Virgin Islands, edited by Lasana M. Sekou. House of Nehesi Publishers, 2016. 111 pp.